Whitewater Tales of Terror: further development of the cosmic kayak comic…

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Title: WW Tales of Terror

[$15 postpaid in the USA. Vintage. OUT OF STOCK!] Here’s an inch taller and longer William Nealy comicbook. About 80 pages. 1983. I also sell “Kayaks to Hell.” The difference between the books is that “WWTT” has more development. Longer strips. A couple “fancy catalog” parodies.

I’ll repeat my Nealy boilerplate, since it applies: I want to help keep his work out there and alive. We all need a steady dose of The Roots, so here ya go. Why reinvent the wheel and look for something new if the old still works? If you’re a thinking person who likes the wild side and you have NOT read Nealy, well, here’s your chance to catch up and get hooked in even nicer. Nealy comics help get your head adjusted right for the whitewater way of life. Tell me, where did all the cosmic outdoor sports cartoonists go? We’re talking an R. Crumb lineage here. Also, the old “Idiot’s Guide to VW Repair,” which was “Crumby,” too—and opened up the world of car repair to geeks and hippies. But I suppose nothing is groovy anymore. The problem is that as soon as you spend time outdoors it’s all groovy all over again. But the only media we have is of the officially correct sort, buttoned-down. How-to guidebooks with liability policies. Directories. Huh? Outdoor sports used to mean culture. Is anyone home? Check out ol’ William to get your feet back on the ground.

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