What Future for: NNN, SNS, V2A…?

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How can a sport expect to sell itself, grow and get ahead if the two binding systems it uses are called NNN and SNS?

And what of a sport that names its techniques things like “V2A” or even “Open Field”? … I mean, V1, V2, V2A. Oh yeah, those are terms that can win over a nation!

How about Freestyle versus Classic? My gosh, talk about mixing your metaphors! One term relates to motion the other to time! It makes no sense!

Each of these aspects offer ZERO MARKETING POTENTIAL!

I’ve heard that in other languages the ski moves refer to “dance” or even “waltz.” They call them “steps,” as in how a dance is called “the 2-Step.” Not sure that’s even so hot. “Foxtrot” gave dancing more potential. The Charleston.

XC, tho, is off the back.

Not that anyone has ever marketed with such terms, anyway!

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