Wasted Angels: the juvenile novel grows up

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Title: Wasted Angels

Author: Steve Kostecke

[$5, postpaid in US. HUGE SALE!]

Here’s a $5 ZINEBOOK! Zines are cheap…so are ZINEBOOKS! Check it out! Pulp is back! The new pulp is here! …Yet another title in the ULA PRESS zinebook series!

This is a sassy book from a sassy guy. It’s rather an update of the “Catcher” approach to the juvenile “coming of age” novel. More candid, for one thing. Detroit-based, for another.

Kostecke, despite his apparent refusal to have anything said about him on his back cover, is a longtime zeenster who is living in Tokyo (I think). He’s from “the Detroit area”—and that’s where his novel is set. He’s been wandering East Asia for years now, teaching English. He published several compelling zeens about Asian travel. With a German travel zeen thrown in for good measure. (His view of Germany was experienced through living under the bushes while working at a Burger King on a military base.)


This is the space for a hyperbolic description of the book. Hyperbole, it is hoped, should press the necessary button to make you purchase this

product. If you are the type that bases her/his personal consumption upon the glitter of back cover blurbs, this would be the place to grasp and/or hook you. In particular if you�re into themes of sex and death in suburban American teen life, in the 1980s.


This is the space used for convincing you that this person�s writing is worthier than your own, or that of those whom you know, or of those whom you have read. If you prefer such type of hoodwink, feel free to imagine what you want about the author. But you still may wish to check out the Underground Literary Alliance.

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