Downside to the ERA

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I heard a radio show extolling the ERA on NPR the other day.

The main practical downside to the ERA passing seems to me to be the fact that making men’s and women’s wages equal will require some balancing out—some offsetting here to make up for imbalance over there. Adjustments will have to be made.

Since the area of free enterprise will always be out of control from the gov’t—and people will continue to make money, or not, in surprising and unpredictable ways—the only area able to be controlled will be the public sector.

And so to make things right “for the time being” (but without endpoint) women will have to be paid more for doing the same job as the guy sitting next to them.

No hard feelings.

I dunno, I think the oppressor line-up is just way too tricky of a thing to manage with only one scapegoat on top. People don’t realize how ugly it gets among all the other groups below. Who’s 2nd in line? 3rd? Groups get tired of waiting their turn for a lowblow or cheapshot. Yikes.

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