Hydroxy Gas Mileage Boosters

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Here’s a gas mileage boosting system that seems to be popping up in the high-mileage scene these days.

I guess this stuff is called Hydroxy Boosting.

Here’s another outfit selling this stuff: safehho.com/hhotechnology.html

And here’s what they say about the process:

“The hydrogen fuel cell is an important innovation that is getting the attention of vehicle owners who are interested in reducing the cost of fueling their vehicles. A hydrogen fuel cell can be created in many ways. Our design uses electricity from your vehicle battery, to split water (H20) into its component gases, Hydrogen and Oxygen. Typically, this occurs in a 2:1 atomic ratio of 2 H2 + O2 which is the same proportion as water. The resulting gas: Oxy-hydrogen is also referred to as HHO or Brown’s gas (named after the famed Bulgarian scientist, Yull Brown). This gas is three times more powerful than normal gasoline, yet it burns with the chemical stability of water. All this takes place under controlled circumstances in the combustion chamber. Besides improved fuel economy, many drivers have also reported increased horsepower and smoother, quieter engine operation. The vehicle also produces cleaner emissions.”


Now, there are, of course, other ways to save gas. The folks at ecomodders.com are way into it. It’s a community forum that shares skills and technology info about saving gas. First off, they promote more efficient driving methods that can save a lot of gas for any car. They call it “hypermiling.” Cool!

Here’s a notion that also makes sense: does a car engine get hot when it runs? It sure does. What’s that heat? WASTE. The whole premise of the IC engine is totally lame, in short, for efficiency. I recall that the best IC is only 20% efficient. Any heat an engine emits is energy that’s NOT being well used. That’s something I can understand.

Now, how hot does an electric motor get in comparison? Ah! Not very hot at all! I recall that electro-motors are commonly 80% efficient.

It’s smart to start with base principles in this stuff, to get your best improvements.

Thus the famous solution is that it’s best to drive a car with an electric motor. But how to charge the batteries? It turns out that an IC motor works at its very best when its small and used in a charging capacity! Hey, a hybrid marriage well-made!

How much power does it take to propel a car at 55mph? …About 8 hp. So why do most modern cars have 200+ hp? (When a 1980 VW Rabbit only needed 90hp?) It’s all about acceleration for short-sighted moderns — only 1% of whom ever drive in situations that need high performance. (A car that can go 150mph is good for WHAT, really?) Thankfully, what kind of torque does an electro-motor deliver? I recall that they’re ALL ABOUT torque. I think that our hybrid should be quick off the line. So we’re good to go.



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