Killer Competitiveness

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Title: Killer Competitiveness

Author: Ron Puhek

[$5, postpaid. A huge discount off of retail to get you to see what it’s all about!] “Killer Competitiveness” accounts for how it is possible for us today to exist so long under meaningless conditions without realizing it. So empty is life without meaning that it could continue only with the help of an extremely powerful illusion. This compelling illusion is generated by competitiveness in nearly everything we do-even in our supposed efforts to cooperate or function independently. Competitiveness generates the illusion of value. Therefore, we do not see the valuelessness of our lives even as we suffer from it.

Here is a link to an eBook edition at the low price of $3.95, a tribute price for Jack Kerouac’s 50th Anniversary of “On The Road”:

Killer Competitiveness is the third and last book of the Blue Trilogy. We explored the meaninglessness that dominates life today in Meaning and Creativity, the first book of the series. Then we face a great challenge when we take up a path to meaning in the second book, The Abyss Absolute.

(130 pages, 5.5×8.5, paperback.)

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