YouTube Song Tribute to Lit-Hero Jack Saunders!

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Jack singing about Jack.

How many writers have songs written about them?

…Writers who are working today?

…Who’ve never had a book published?

…Who’ve dedicated their whole lives to the greatness and glory of literature?

Here’s a YouTube video by Jack Collins who wrote and performed a nifty song about my literary hero Jack Saunders.

Jack has also had a tribute comic book made about him. And a movie. And a documentary (that hasn’t been released). And many articles.

He’s a truly great writer. He’s pushed the art form forward. He’s gone into new waters and he’s clarified old ones.

Now, given his style and his circumstances, he’s also done some *dieseling* a time or two.

But what happens when a steady stream of virtuosity is snubbed for decades? It’s happened at least a few times in many areas of life and it’s best not overlooked. It’s a syndrome worth studying and exploring.

One thing I note about the song is that it celebrates the commonness of Jack’s predicament. I agree that it is common in one sense. Many folks who both strive and who have talent do not succeed in their chosen field. But Jack is a singularity and he’s singularly talented. He has a special voice and has done unique and helpful work. And he’s written hundreds of books. He’s the King and the Best. And God’s own democrat, too. That’s not so common.

I mean, look at SCREED. And then read out another, say, 10 books beyond that. Check out the arcs, waves, events, flow. The gifts and cultural tips to us. It’s a tragi-comic blues symphony. It has a priceless rhythm. Who else has done something like it? Done it better? Made him redundant, much less unworthy of being heard? Done the subject and style so well that Jack isn’t needed? If anyone can give me some leads here, I’m happy to entertain them. I hate wasting my time. The bigshots decided long ago that Jack wasn’t needed. Who has taken his place? Who am I missing out on? It must be a special writer indeed! I need that tip badly. Tell me who does it better?

Rant over.

Here’s the song…

It’s called “You Might Know Jack.”

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