How to Ski Uphill: My Latest YouTube! (pt. 2 of 2)

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Here’s another video of some guy wearing a retro ski outfit showing you how to have fun on XC skis.

Yeah, it’s part 2 of my 2-part series.

The point this time is to show how to ski easily up a hill, with glide.

Sadly, I forgot to emphasize that favorite ski word of mine—GLIDE—in my ad-lib teaching. The best coolness of XC for me is when you get GLIDE going up yet you don’t feel like you’re working hard.

Plus, I confess that in my ad-libness I also give a couple incomplete ideas. I say putting your weight on a ski lets you grip, but that’s actually when you glide, especially when your weight is over your HEEL. Then, when your feet pass each other, you drop down a bit, flex your ankle, tilt forward, and plant your foot—that’s when you grip—you pounce more than your bodyweight onto the ski, pressing it flat into the snow—then you push off it and swing your other foot forward to glide.

Final glitch: I say it’s falling body weight that propels you. It’s ALSO a forward body ANGLE (hips high and forward, not bent at waist) that lets you easily pole and push to the rear, sending you gliding forward.

Whew! …The life of the single-take solo moviemaker.

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