Power to the People! Easy 10% OYB Affiliate Action!

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There’s been a huge affiliates scene online for years. Amazon is famous for it. They give their “Associates”, like, 5% of what people spend who come there from an affiliate site. Well, I’m doubling their ante to 10% and giving the power to the people!

Anyone can free’n’easy become an OYB affiliate.

You just click on the link below. It takes you to a PayLoadz webpage where you type two things: your name and PayPal email address. No password needed, as this is not secure info. You’re then taken to a second page that gives you a small chunk of html to create your affiliate link on your website however you like. If any of your visitors use it, it takes them to the OYB site. If they then buy anything at all…you get 10%.

The way it works is that your link does two things: it sends visitors to OYB, but it also sends a message to PayLoadz with your name and theirs (it puts a harmless, commonplace, quick-expiring cookie on their browser). Once a month I get an email from PayLoadz listing all affiliates and who linked from them. I compare that list with my list of customers. I pay 10% of whatever they buy to your PayPal address. Simple!

The link to your free’n’easy Payloadz Affiliates code:

The market for lit has been shrinking so much lately (due to its inbred nature—it’s mostly down to MFA students and wannabes) that it won’t take much to outpace the current situation and open it up to a bigger slice of the world.

But my Affiliates system will apply to all of OYB.

Thanks and have fun!

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