The Metaphysical Imperative

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Title: The Metaphysical Imperative

[$5, postpaid. A huge discount off of retail to get you to see what it’s all about!] Metaphysical assumptions are and have always been a necessary and unavoidable part of human life. Unfortunately, today we have fallen into the catastrophic belief that our basic perceptions of reality do not rest on metaphysical judgments but are purely “physical.” If we use the term “metaphysics” at all, it is only to refer to abstract philosophical ideas or, worse, to half-crazed religious attitudes. Consequently, we have rendered ourselves unable to distinguish between the metaphysical and non-metaphysical aspects of any knowledge and are still less able to judge whether our hidden or flaunted metaphysical assumptions are faulty and, if so, how they might be corrected. “The Metaphysical Imperative” explores the nature of metaphysical assumptions, how they are all-pervasive, which ones dominate our attitudes today, what their flaws are, and how we might improve them. (135 pages, 5.5×8.5, paper.)

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