Top 10 Innovations of HPVs

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Biking goes better with HPV!

–the top ten innovations of HPV

Some people think that faired HPVs are impractical and exotic.

Well, see what you think about these 10 qualities that HPV-makers are improving.

Further development in these directions could perhaps really boost daily HPV use in the USA. (USA daily bike use seems to be limited by distance, cars, weather.)

HPV tech which is allowed to grow free from UCI race regs seems to have potential of being friendly, integrated and systemic. Feedback? –JP


1. Speed

(Full fairings increase speed and greatly extend commuting/errand/tour range. Easy 20-30mph speed makes HPV viable alt to cars. Typical USA errand distances require ~40 min unfaired cycling time, reduce to ~20 min would psych many more to use an HPV. Speed pushes HPVs over threshold into ‘convenience’ category.)


2. Safety

(In a crash, fairings protect body/skin—greatly reduced injury/roadrash! Fairings also protect bike parts. HPV’s allow powerful braking more safely than other rigs. Fairing bodies are usually brightly colored. Seem to be more accepted by car drivers. Trikes don’t tip over in icy conditions.)


3. Cargo

(HPV’s easily allow built-in cargo/trunk space which is easier/handlier to use than panniers yet still weatherproof.)


4. Weatherliness

(Fairings let you greatly extend your riding season and handle wide types of weather extremes. They really help keep the sun off, too.)


5. Convenience

(Even in wide weather ranges, HPVs can be ridden properly in regular street clothes, at high speed.)


6. Cleanliness

(Despite weather or road conditions, enclosure fairings greatly help keep dirt off both rider and bike mechanisms, greatly extending parts life and increasing convenience.)


7. Enjoyment

(You ride in a ‘heads up’ posture which allows you to look at the sky, scenery and road without strain.)


8. Comfort

(A recumbent position with enough recline to take weight off the butt allows great comfort—there are no pressure points for the rider. Requires no ‘butt conditioning’. A fast HPV can offer a comfy ride since rider support is in vertical plane which can be softened while transmission is in horizontal plane which can be stiffened without compromise.)


9. Affordability

(Cheaper than a car! Easy to homebuild. ~$700 start price for factory model rigs. Full fairings homebuilt for $100.)


10. Ease of construction/innovation/mod

(Many regular bike parts. Stresses easy to accomodate in frame design. Angles not as critical due to separation of support, steer, power planes. Frames made of many structural materials including wood. Carbon/fiber epoxy wrap frame easy to make.

Fairings easily made from cheap, rugged coroplast board, PTGE sheet—or carbon/fiber molding.)


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