Joey’s Mom’s Diary

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Excerpts from the Diary of Sue Harrison

January 27, 1964. Joey’s birthday celebration — a unicycle! Julie and Shelley presented “Robinson Crusoe” and a special pencil box. Cindy promised a basketball excursion on Tuesday. Joey said it was the best birthday he ever had!

January 28, 1964. Cub Scout Den 1 met at our house after school. We went to Marvelanes. The mechanic showed the machines to the boys. Joey was the best bowler by quite a bit.

February 8, 1964. Joey completed the lyrics to “The 12 Days of Murder.”

February 11, 1964. Laid down the law with Joey about that crazy barking seal noise he keeps making.

February 15, 1964. Joey and Michael spent the afternoon in the basement of the bookstore. Mr. Wylie treated them with Spudnuts and Coke. Cindy persuaded Joey to assist her get ready for the J-Hop (zip up her dress, etc.). I took Joey to Uncle John’s Pancake House for dinner. Afterwards Joey began work on a “mystery jar,” a la Alfred Hitchcock.

February 16, 1964. Julie, Joey, and Cindy went to see the Disney movie, “Merlin Jones,” but were turned away. They walked down to the Michigan Theatre and joined Gus and I for Tom Jones. Afterward we all ate at a Chinese restaurant. This evening, Joey watched The Beatles on the Ed Sullivan show.

April 6, 1964. Joey wrote a skit for his cub scout den to present: “Twinkle Toes and the Beatniks.” The cubs practised here this afternoon but it appears hopeless that they will perform well and do his work justice.

April 18, 1964. Joey’s lower-level bedroom is rather a haven for neighborhood youngsters. After school there is often a gathering of boys listening to Beatle records or attending the secret meetings of the “Mad Club.” Joey is letting his hair grow Continental fashion. Gus is skeptical.

[Reprinted from Joey’s cool zine Oop. $2/$8 for 4. JH, 4454 Pennfield Rd., Toledo OH 43612.]

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