Literary Journals Suck

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Literary Journals Suck

> On 1 Nov 1997 10:38:27 GMT, “Clayton E” <>

> wrote:

> Sure, most of the writing on the net sucks. But so do most of the

> books at Crown. Not to mention a good bit of the writing in the

> world’s literary journals.

Can anyone think of an area of publishing that is more *ignored*?

By even its own niche? By its own audience? Yet can anyone think of

an area that’s more *subsidized*? Leeches! They are 99% org-funded

on both the ‘push’ side—printing, content and staff—and 99% of their

(never-read) subs are org-paid for on the ‘pull’ side. What a racket!

Out of the dozen lit journals that I’ve noticed various local newstands

carrying over the years, I’ve never seen a single one sold, or a single

issue/story within one become noteworthy (or even eye-catching).

There’s never been an empty slot on that shelf where one of those

Lit Journals just couldn’t be kept in stock. They just take up shelfspace.

It’s the obligatory shelf. It looks good for a progressive and complete

newstand if you have it. Heck, I’ve even felt the pull—Oooo, Granta,

there’s a brave and classy mag…but open one up and you’ll feel either

scorpion bit or a bit frozen.

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