eBooks arrive for 5th Way!

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Announcing the arrival of eBooks at FifthWay Press!

Just click on one of the links below in this article or go to the relevant book listings and find an eBook link there as well as a more complete description of each book.

When you click on a link you’ll be billed $3.95 by PayPal and get a coded download link for getting a PDF of your eBook. This file can be viewed in any eBook reader or on any computer or iPod. Handy!

eBooks save trees, paper, postage, shipping, oil, space and money!

Of course paper books still have their place.

Soon I imagine they’ll make a thin, tough book-sized eBook-reader that can hold hundreds of books. Cool! Actually, maybe they’re out there now…

So for you eBook people, here goes!

Oh! By the way, these eBooks are priced at $3.95 for the rest of 2007 in tribute to the first hardcover edition of Jack Kerouac’s “On The Road,” which was priced at $3.95 fifty years ago this year. “OTR” changed the world. Puhek’s book can, too! Well, they work well with the existential, experiential, expanded consciousness that Kerouac was all about. Check ’em out! 5th Way is about philosophy and life studies as they are LIVED FULLY. How many philosophy or religious books give props to Kerouac? NONE! Thumbs up for 5th Way!

True Friendship

The Redemption of Love

Killer Competitiveness

Stephen of the Holy Mountain

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