Jeff’s Steep Mountain Arizona Dream

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Jeff’s Steep Mountain Arizona Dream

I went on a trip to Arizona where I arrived in darkness and I chose to do some cowboy work to bide my time. I went into some supersteep hills with some horses. We scrabbled down some supersteep hills. The horses could do it but you had to be willing to trust them. It was a chaotic downhill scramble with any misstep resulting in about a quarter mile plummet. Cold and dark. I finally made it into the small town intersection of highways. There I ran into Denise again. She was a cop. She wanted to give me a break. Her sister was around, too, as a waitress. I slipped away and flew a plane a bit around a crowded airport, without permission. Big planes almost hit me. I went to a grocery store. Then I went climbing in some steep mountains with Denise and Laurie. I told them I could just fly to the bottom, but I didn’t dare to do it in the end. I knew it was just a dream. I knew I could fly if I used my mind over matter. I’d jump off the cliff then just start swooping. But I wouldn’t dare it. The cliffs were just too steep. They were all overhangs. The bottom was a half mile away. The rocks were all extra craggy. Not friendly at all. So I didn’t dare. They kinda laughed at me. Then I told them I wanted to go on a road trip up from there to Colorado to visit Denver and Boulder. I figured the best way to go would really be just to fly. To jump off a cliff and fly my way north mind over matter. But it didn’t happen. I would’nt dare.

Then Denise said didn’t I think it was odd that I was always bumping into twins. That my life seemed to be split. Whenever I left my normal life, I’d run into twins. They knew I had two sides just like they did. Couldn’t I just see it?

Then I overheard a movie director saying he was going to film on the steep cliff overhangs. With the half mile drop. He would make a movie from the safety of a scaffold of some climbing adventure. He’d helicopter the actors to the scaffold every day and they’d be so safe they wouldn’t know they were on a cliff. It would be supported out on legs and ropes. It seemed darn scary to me. But they were relying on high tech. It seemed like asking for trouble. They would test the rock every day to prove it was sound. With dynamite. It seemed like it would weaken it to me. In general the rock in this whole dream was shaky and moving.

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