Letters To Out Your Backdoor

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Letters To…Out Your Backdoor

Dear Mr. Potter[publisher]:

I have just encountered your magazine and just wanted to let you know what a pleasure it is.

Your magazine is about all the obscure stuff many of us think about privately, but rarely talk to anyone about because we think they’ll be bored or think we’re fruity. What conventional person goes looking for ancient cameras, drives a beat-up car through the countryside, or thinks it’s important to know that a 50’s toaster was actually designed in 1933?
Also, your zine reviews are little gems. So are the illustrations throughout the magazine. I particularly like World Domination 29ยข> with the big platter of ham, or whatever the hell it is. That’s clever, but explaining just how would be difficult. You have to be there already.

I guess that’s sort of what your magazine is. A little validation for people who were there already, but didn’t know anybody else was.

Nightsounds was also top-notch.

I didn’t read the bike stuff. We have mountain bikers around here and I guess I can see the perverse satisfaction that riding a vehicle through the wilderness might give, but why not just walk? It’s the same as if somebody decided they wanted to have a cold beer while hiking, so they strap a refrigerator to their back and lug it into the woods.
I guess I’m just not THERE on this one.

– Glenn Sheller


I want to hear more about your grandpa!

Lisa Carver
[pop star, dominatrix and editrix of Rollerderby]

Dear Folks,

I just discovered OYB. Where have I been? Living in a cave?!? Well, I’m impressed. Charmed. Bewitched, bothered and bewildered. I’m certain my friend Sue-Ellen will enjoy your rudely vigorous little enterprise, too, so why don’t you send her a gift subscription on me.

Joey Harrison

Hi Jeff and Martha,

I have a little Seattle kayak trip report. Paddled 2 hours on Lake Union. Saw a flasher-he was hiding in the bushes on the banks of the canal. Pulled his shorts down and had a really funny grin. I couldn’t really see anything except his face but I guess that was good enough for him. Two minutes later, some pre-teen swimming boys started “taunting” us in their pre-teen way. One was making veiled threats about capsizing and spitting, so I told him I’d hit him with my paddle if he tried any such thing. He said “that’s stupid”. Oh well, things brightened up again a little while later when we passed by a guy and a gal masturbating each other on the banks (pants on but open and loose). It was like the last hot Friday afternoon before Autumn.

My housemate Chris went kayaking a few days after I did and they passed under a man who was about to jump off the Aurora bridge. That is a highway bridge and it is very, very, very high.

– Love, June


Yes we do get OYB. It’s marvelous! Sometimes they don’t leave John’s office [John Wilcockson, `honch’ editor], and we have to pester him to circulate it. Please keep us on your mailing list. When’s the next issue due?

Stay in touch,
Tim Johnson, managing editor, VeloNews

Hey OYB,

Somebody saw me play last year in Detroit and then sent me an issue. Next thing I know I get another one and I never paid for it. It’s a great magazine and I would like a subscription. I don’t know what a charter subscription is but gimme one anyway!

– Fast forward,
Bob Wiseman, [OYB fave pop musician and keyboard stylist]

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